- No Medical Exams
- No Needles or fluids
- No Nurse Visits
- Get Upto $500,000 Life Insurance Coverage
- Approval in as Little as 48 hours
- First Month’s Premium Waived
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The average cost of a funeral is between $15,000 and $35,000 depending on where you live, that figure continues to rise each year!! Should death come calling today are you prepared? Do you have a plan to cover your final expenses, pay off your Mortgage and leave some money for your loved ones? We specialize in providing Non-Medical Life insurance Coverage to anyone between the ages of 18 and 80 regardless of Medical history.
Death is certain,
are you prepared?
Funeral Expense Life Insurance ensures that your family would not be burdened with the stress of having to pay the cost of your final expenses. It is guaranteed that everyone will die, the important question is when; If you were to die today would your family be assured that you have made preparation in advance to cover your final expenses? Should they have to worry about how to pay for it? Leave a legacy for them, not debt.
The thought of dying or losing a loved one is never an easy one- Most people prefer to avoid talking about it altogether. Unfortunately it is one conversation you are guaranteed to have at some point in your life. Preparing in advance is a legacy your family would expect from you, let us help.